Monday, February 27, 2012

A quick update from Patsy...

The visit with mom today, February 24, was short but good. Supper was about to be served. We visited in a sun filled sitting room. Along came Selma, a resident, rolling her wheelchair with her feet. She asked, "did my company leave"? I replied,"probably." I brought her wheelchair closer to us and included her in the conversation. Before we left we pushed mom and Selma to a dinning table. Mom's glow has returned.

Good, good stuff!


  1. Thank you for starting this blog and keeping us informed. It sounds like Grandma is getting the care that she needs and that gives us some peace of mind. Connor made a nice card for her as a cub scout project and it is on the way!

  2. Hi from Bloomington, IL we continue to keep Mom and Grandma in our thoughts and prayers. We'll keep you
    posted on Sarah and the baby as soon as she arrives. We Love You ALL!!! Kim, Ron, Emily and Sarah


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